I want to preach water and take water.I want to help the poor and disadvantaged. I think I dont have to be rich, I need to reach those poor around me first. I have to say this, we can help the poor out from their misery if we want to, I want to help. (IW2H) I am speaking out my mind.
Lets here out the cries of the poor and act to help them OUT. Say a group of like minded people in my country ventured out and sought for answers to help the poor, in different parts of the country, they will return with similar views on how to go about it. We need to give the poor the basics needs in life Food, Clothing and Shelter(FC&S). Only three things. This are things that we find others with excesses, sometimes unnecessary excesses.
I have tried this (searching for answers)and I know you too would have similar solutions too as mentioned herein below; primarily to help the poor, we will start by you and me extending our resources(FC&S) , sharing our extras, encouraging them and empowering them with ideas.
In the sharing view for instance, we have old clothes, those tight fitting ones that we have stopped using, those shoes that we think are now out of fashion, this we need to give out. We could go on to give out some food resources in grain or flour, or perhaps even better and really thoughtful subsidized cost on basic food like maize flour, milk, wheat flour, cooking fat, at least the basics. This kind actions happen ocassionally. Thanks to those who do these acts of humanity, God bless.
I addressing situations seriouly, long lasting solutions, education is or can be a basic need in this modern world, so it goes without saying too that we can share book resources too. The old books used in the 8.4.4.can be given out, we are out to create a reading culture or nation in the long run.